Reviewers are asked to provide rigorous and constructive feedback. Please accept or decline an assignment within three days and if accepted, submit a completed review within three weeks.
Review Prompts
1. Are the arts, humanities, or design in public life foregrounded in the submission?
2. To what discourse/ practice does the submission contribute, and how does it add to what’s been publicly discussed or viewed before? What is the author’s major argument?
3. What appears to be the contribution’s core audience?
4. Is the contribution accessible? Is previous knowledge necessary to use or understand it? Is the author’s writing clear, jargon-free, and interesting?
5. Does it contribute to this issue?
6. Is the work complete within its intended scope? Are there any glaring omissions or unnecessary additions? Is the organization of the piece coherent?
7. Does the manuscript include documentation, references, case studies where applicable, illustrations where necessary, and a bibliography?
8. Would this work be useful in a classroom and if so, at what level?
9. Do you have any other comments to help the author improve the submission?
The Recommendation
Reviewers will indicate that the submission be accepted with or without revisions or declined. If reviewers recommend significant revisions, the submitter will be encouraged to revise and resubmit, and the contribution will be reconsidered without guarantee of publication. The editor will accept reviewer recommendations in most cases and will explain a decision if it is contrary to the reviewers. We may request to hold on to the submission for another issue.
Submitters will be informed of the publication decision within twelve weeks from time of submission. Regardless of publication decision, submitters receive a summary of reviewer comments.